Monday, January 31, 2011

Good Sam

A true woman say "Yes, Lord."
She makes personal sacrifices with her time and resources for Kingdom of God.
I have read and taught on the Good Samaritan many times.  However this morning I saw something new.  Don’t you just love that about the Bible.
Let me explain.
Jesus was discussing the Most Important Commandment with a expert of the religious law. (verse 27)  The man asked “who is my neighbor?”  to justify his own actions, when Jesus begin the illustration of the Good Samaritan.  
This story is a great reminder to me to love everyone and to treat everyone with kindness and the way that I would want to be treated.
Here is what I have missed:
To love others like this, I must Love God first and trust Him with my life, my time, my resources.   
When I see someone in need and I hear that small voice within me say, “Help your neighbor”, I am trusting God with my planned out day.  I am relying on God with the money that is being spent.  I am leaving the results and matter in God’s hands.  I am just being obedient to say “Yes, Lord”.
Both commandments are needed. 

Friday, January 28, 2011

God's Word

A true woman says, “Yes, Lord.”
The Word of God is her compass, motivating her to live intentionally and counter-culturally.
  • Isaiah 40:8  “The grass withers and the flowers fade, but the Word of our God lasts forever.”
God’s word is eternal.  God’s word is unchanging.  God’s word is right.  
God’s word is a delight.  God’s word teaches and instructs.  God’s word brings me understanding. 
God’s word gives me hope.  God’s word is comfort.

God’s word is a resource. God’s word is a treasure.  God’s word is greater than silver or gold.

God’s word is true.  God’s word is Truth. God’s word is wise.  
God’s word is life.  God’s word is a light.  God’s word is the way.  
God’s word is living.  God’s word is active.  God’s word is sharp.

God’s word saves.  God’s word revives.   God’s word redeems. 
What is God’s word to you at this moment?
For further study see each verse of Psalm 119.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

News Flash

A true woman says, "Yes, Lord".
The Word of God is her compass, motivating her to live intentionally and counter-culturally.
  • Psalm 119:1 “How blessed are those whose way is blameless, who walk in the law of the Lord.”
As I sit down to my computer with my coffee at the dining room table,  in the other room the television is on with the newscaster reporting the news.  I can’t help but over hear the reports and interviews.  Here are just 3:
  •   A story of a young man who abandoned a piano on a sand bar in Florida.  The reporter said “I heard your mother did not want you to come forward and take responsibility."
  • The money made by a movie that just came out.  The premise “A guy and a girl agree to have sex wherever they want, whenever they want, without all those pesky emotions getting in the way.”  They are “friends with benefits.” (quotes from the movie review by Associated Press)

  • A woman jailed for fraud.  She tried to receive insurance money from the San Bruno fire, although she did not even live in that area or have any damages.
I am meditating on what it means to live counter-culturally and it seems as if every report is evident that I do.  But it is always easy to compare yourself against the top news stories.
The comparison is to be against the Word of God.  The Bible is to be our standard.  We are to let it be our guide.  
The questions for you are not  “do you take responsibility for your own actions” or "are you sexually active" or  “do you lie”?  
 Your question is “Do you obey the Word of God?”  
If your answer is “Yes”, then I guarantee you are walking against the culture.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

To Teach is To Touch A Life

A true woman says, "Yes, Lord".
The Word of God is her compass, motivating her to live intentionally and counter-culturally.
  • Psalm 25:9-10  "He leads the humble in what is right, teaching them His way.  The Lord leads with unfailing love and faithfulness all those who keep His covenant and obey His decrees."
Think of your favorite teacher.
What made you like him/her?  Did they know and love the subject that they taught, making you love it too?  Did they challenge you to do better, work harder and achieve more? What was it about them and their teaching style?  These attributes are what makes great teachers.
This week we have looked at: 
God as our GUIDE, knowing the trail that we are each on.
God as our GPS, knowing which way to go.
God as our TEACHER, knowing the materials for us to learn.
If you are going to allow God to teach you, you must have a humbleness to learn.  You want HIM to instruct YOU...not the other way around.  
You know that His teaching is the best and that everything He teaches is good and correct, never needing a new text book or revision.
You must follow His instructions, His word, His commands.
There will be tests, but because of His great teaching, you are able to pass the test with flying colors.
So, I don’t have to think back to my Grade School or High School years for my favorite teacher.  HE is already teaching me, today.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

On Auto Pilot?

A true woman says, "Yes, Lord".
The Word of God is her compass, motivating her to live intentionally and counter-culturally.
  • 2 Peter 3:17-18 "I am warning you ahead of time, dear friends, so that you can watch out and not be carried away by the errors of these wicked people.  I don't want you to lose your own secure footing.  But grow in the special favor and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Have you ever pulled your car out of your driveway, began heading down the street and realize that you are going the wrong way?  Or have you started driving and thought, “Why am I going south towards the church?  I should be going north to the doctor's appointment.” 
You didn’t go the wrong way on purpose, you just started driving on “auto pilot”.  You did it without thought. You did it unintentionally. 

Scary, huh?
Peter warns us to think ahead, watch out and don’t get carried off in the wrong direction.  Don’t just go on auto pilot.  Be mindful of what you are doing. 
This is intentional living. 
This is living with purpose.  
This is deliberately living a life designed by God. 
I wonder, how many other drivers out there are on "auto pilot"? 

Scary, huh?

Monday, January 24, 2011

Take a Hike

A true woman says, 
"Yes, Lord". The Word of God is her compass, motivating her to live intentionally and counter-culturally.
  • Psalm 25:4-5 "Show me the path where I should walk, O Lord; point out the right road for me to follow.  Lead me by your truth and teach me, for you are the God who saves me.  All day long I put my hope in you.”
Of all the hiking trails in our area, Quicksilver is currently my favorite.  The trails are nestled in the hills with panoramic views overlooking Silicon Valley.  
Once I park my car, there are many trails to choose from. I usually take the Guadalupe trail that gives me a challenging 4.5 mile hike.   
Knowing the name of the trail is not enough.  You would still need a guide or to know which way to turn at the fork.  If not, you may end up on the 15 mile loop instead.  
As you are on this walk of life.  You need a guide.  Are you listening to the Lord as he tells you which trail to take or which way to turn?  When you do, that is intentionally living.  
It may be challenging but you will not be alone.
Hiking a trail is always more fun with someone by your side.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Sitting in the Jewelry Box

A true woman says, "Yes, Lord".
She considers it a privilege and a delight to serve Him as a woman and gratefully embraces His design and roles for her life.
  • Proverbs 31:10 "An excellent wife, who can find?  For her worth is far above jewels."
As a woman you have great value.  The Bible says far above jewels.  

Between Christmas and New Years, I lost a diamond out of my ring. It was not mywedding ring, but the ring that I always wore on my right hand.  I had designed the ring myself.  A simple gold band with 3 square diamonds placed in a row.  I waited a long time to be able to purchase the size and style of the diamonds to be placed in the band.   So now the ring sits in my jewelry box.  I can no longer wear it until it is fixed.  It won't be fixed until I am able to find money for a diamond in my budget.  Right- like that is going to happen any time before tax season. So there it sits.
 You are of great value.  You been broken, tarnished or chipped.  We all have.  You may think that you are of no value, and certainly not of great value.  That is not how the Lord sees you.  He is ready and capable of restoring you.  Go to Him and that responsibility.  Admit your own sin and ask forgiveness.  You will be restored to a right relationship with God.  
 My ring will never be restored by hiding out in the jewelry box.  It must be taken to a jeweler.  He is the only one able to bring value back to that ring.  It will be costly, but so worth it.

  Dear Heavenly Father, I admit that I have done wrong and often I am not the woman or wife that you desire.  I am sorry.  Please forgive me, wash me and restore me.  Let me shine, again.  Amen

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Stay under the Umbrella

  A true woman says, "Yes, Lord".
She considers it a privilege and a delight to serve Him as a woman and gratefully embraces His design and roles for her life.
  • Proverbs 14:1  "The wise woman builds her house, but the foolish tears it down with her own hands."
  If I were to ask any of you, "Would you rather be wise or foolish?"  I can, with full assurance, say that everyone would reply, "I want to be wise."  It would be foolish to even say the other.  However, more than I would like to admit, I have taken the foolish course in my life, in my marriage and with my family.    
  When I don't believe that God's way is right and go my own way, that is foolish (God is All Wise).  Let me give you an example.  I read the verse "wives, submit to your husbands", (yesterday's verse) and decide I don't want to do that, I want to do it my way.  I am going against a wise God.  God has put an order in the world for our good (God is All Good).  It is as if we are placed under our husbands umbrella and are shielded and protected.  However I step out from under that protective umbrella and go my own way.  (Pam is foolish) Then I get mad that things are not going well and my life is hard.  (Pam is not good) I am tearing down my own house. I am also taking a rock out of the very foundation of my own house, with my own hand.  (Pam is not wise.)
  What is in your hand?  The umbrella or a rock?  Are you building up or tearing down?  The rain will come.  Are you protected?  
  I feel like singing "The wise man built his house upon the Rock".
  More tomorrow- I love you!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Hated Verses

A True Woman says, "Yes, Lord."
She considers it a privilege and a delight to serve Him as a woman and gratefully embraces His design and roles for her life.
  • Ephesians 5:22 "Wives, be subject to your own husbands, as to the Lord."
  • Colossians 3:18 "Wives, be subject to your husbands, as is fitting in the Lord."
Since the Fall of mankind and the curse given by God, these have been verses that women have hated!  We don't want a man to rule over us.  We don't want to "be subject" to someone else. However, we know that God is good and wise.  He would not say anything that is wrong.  There is a much big issue here.  Our pride.  I want to do life my way.  I want to rule my life.  I don't want to answer to anyone. I I I  see the problem?  prIde.  I am the very center of pride!
  Am I willing to submit myself to God and His ways?  How can I say "Yes, Lord" in other areas, if I haven't said "Yes" in this area?
  Once I see God and His ways as right, I will delight in God and His ways.  I can embrace His design, His plan, His role, and His purpose in my life.

Prayer:  Oh, God in Heaven, forgive me for my stubbornness.  How many times have I rebelled against your authority in my life?  I am truly sorry. Break my sinful and prideful heart in thinking that I know better than you.  You are my Father and my creator.  Please, help me trust you and do what you tell me to do.  In Jesus' name and by His grace, AMEN.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Eat Your Brussel Sprouts

A true woman says, "Yes, Lord."
She believes that God's purposes for creating male and female are good and wise.
  • "Wives, be subject to your husbands, as is fitting in the Lord." Colossians 3:18
  • "Wives, be subject to your own husbands, as to the Lord.  For the husband is the head of the wife, as Christ also is the head of the church, He Himself being the Savior of the body."  Ephesians 5:23
There are some verses in the Bible that honestly, you either love them or hate them.  They are brussel sprouts.  Let me explain.  

My husband & I thought that we hated brussel sprouts.  That was until recently.  We has found a new love for them.  We are now ordering them in restaurants and fixing them for dinner. We had them just last night. Why the difference?

It could be age.  Often times our tastes change and mature with age.  
It could be knowledge.  Brussel Sprouts are low in calories and pack a lot of nutritional value.  1/2 cup is only 28 calories and lots of Vitamin C.

It could be preparation.  We had only had brussel sprouts prepared one way before; boiled, with a dab of butter, salt and pepper.  The whole house would reek of an unpleasant odor.

So what was the change?   All of the Above. 
Our tastes buds and menu has changed.
Our health is a thought when preparing and ordering food, due to being older and wider (not a typo).
The preparation:  We have now tasted them in a whole new way.  They are now one of our favorites.  Yummy!  I almost have to count them out so that we are fair with how many we each get.  I don't want him to get more than his fair share. Yes, one of our recipes will follow.
  These verse, may be like brussel sprouts to you.  Either you love them or hate them.  Let me challenge you to hang with the blog.  Next week, we will see that often time our age, our good, and the way these verses have been presented will make all the difference.  Just see if you agree.  So stay tuned.  
  Whether you ever love brussel sprouts or not, order them or not, cook them or not, I hope that you love God's word and recognize that the Word is good and wise.

1 lb. fresh brussel sprouts, trimmed and cut in half
2 pieces of pancetta or bacon
1/2 cup onion, diced
1/2 apple, diced
1 clove garlic, sliced or minced
cheese, (blue cheese, crumbled or shaved parmesan)
Heat oven to 400 degrees.  Place sprouts on roasting pan and drizzle with olive oil, salt and pepper.  Roast sprouts for 20 minutes, until tender and outer leaves start to brown.
While sprouts are roasting, saute pancetta, onions and apples until caramelized, adding garlic near end, so it doesn't burn.
Lightly toss sprouts with onion mixture.  While still hot, top with a small amount of cheese and allow it to melt.  Enjoy!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

WOW Moment

true woman of God says "Yes, Lord."
She believes that God's purposes for creating male and female are good and wise.  
  • Romans 1:20  "For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse."
Exploring the world and seeing new places excites me.  I love to be hiking a new trail or walking along a beach.  It amazes me to see all of God's creation.  "WOW" is my response when I see the many colors and varieties of fish, butterflies, leaves, bugs and flowers, He designed.  
Creation also included woman. Woman was created by God in His own image and given a purpose at the very creation of the world.  But it did not just stop in the garden, it continues even today.  We are the creation that allows His invisible attributes to be seen.  We display His eternal power to be revealed.  His divine nature is stamped on us.  So that He will be seen and understood.  No one will have an excuse.  
  What great value that gives to our lives!  It's another WOW moment.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Your Garden

A true woman says "Yes, Lord."
She believes that God's purposes for creating male and female are good and wise.

Here are some truths:
  • We are created in the image of God.  We are His little statues. (Genesis 1:26-27)
  • We were created to be queen: to rule over the earth. (Genesis 1:26-27) Please read yesterday blog, so that I am not taken out of context.
  • We were created to be productive and subdue. (Genesis 1:28)
We may not have the unique position that Eve did in her garden,  nonetheless, we must be productive in the "garden" that we have been placed.  We must rule and have domain over our garden.  We must subdue it.  Depending on our season of life, each one's garden will be unique and look differently than the other, so don't try to compare.  Let me give you a definition for each of the mandates that woman has been given.
  • Rule- make decisions regarding a matter's course and destiny
  • Subdue- bring under control by conquest and maintain control by diligent maintenance.
  • Produce/fruitful- create value by multiplying, filling, and expanding in every area of life.
*Definitions taken from "5 Aspects of Woman" by Barbara Mouser.

Tomorrow we will see how when we obey His purpose for our lives it is good and wise and brings glory to Him.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

You are a Queen

 A True Woman says, "Yes, Lord."
She believes that God's purposes for creating male and female are good and wise.

What was the first purpose for God creating male and female?  We have to answer this question, before we can claim that it is good and wise. 
  • Genesis 1:26  Then God said, "Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; and let them rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over the cattle and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth."
And the answer is:  "let them rule over..."  God created man and woman in His Own image and placed them in the garden to rule over it.  Still today, you are to rule over your area.  Whether it is at school, on a job, or at home, you are to rule it.  Whether it is your health, your weight, or your finances, you are to rule it.  Whether it is your words, your relationships or your possessions, you are to rule it.  
  Are you ruling today?  In what areas, do you need to take back dominion? 

Once upon a time, there was a queen...  That Queen is you.  You are the ruler. 
Think about it and let's discuss this more tomorrow...

Monday, January 10, 2011

Rally Up

A True Woman says, "Yes, Lord."
She believes that God's purposes for creating male and female are good and wise.
  • Galatians 3:26-28 "For you are all children of God through faith in Christ Jesus.  And all who have been united with Christ is baptism have put on the character of Christ, like putting on new clothes.  There is no longer Jew or Gentile, slave of free, male and female. For you are all one in Christ Jesus."
  As I was reading down this group of verses, I so wanted to stop and write on "putting on new clothes"-clothes are fun, but knew that would be getting off topic this morning.  I am determined to stay "on task" today.  Writing about "staying on task" is also for another day-I digress. 
  Let me just point out a few truths from these verses:
  • You belong to God through faith in Jesus Christ
  • You are united with Christ
  • You are on equal ground
  • You are one in God's kingdom
The apostle Paul must have known that the women needed to hear that truth when he was inspired to write these words to Galatia. Did they have a women's lib movement going on?  Were they organizing a rally?  We also need to hear that truth today.  God created you a woman.  You are His.  You are united with Christ.  You have equality in His Kingdom.  (Although in the light of the gospel and the sermon I heard yesterday, I would be happy to be a lowly peasant, in rags, grabbing at crumbs) Back to the task.  When we don't have a clear picture of God or His purposes, we get off track.  We must continually take our thoughts and align them with what the Word says.  The world is not doing that.  So "rally up", take your stand, but rally and stand in the truth - You are God's.  When He created you a woman that was a good and wise plan.  
  Heavenly Father, how good and wise You are!  You have a plan and a purpose for me.  I thank you for your love and care in my life.  Help me to stay on task to live a life that is aligned with that plan and purpose.  May I please you today.  In Jesus' name, Amen. 

Friday, January 7, 2011

I Enjoy Being a Girl

A True Woman says, "Yes, Lord."
She believes that God's purposes for creating male and female are good and wise.

In the Flower Drum Song, Rodgers & Hammerstein's character, Linda Low, a showgirl sang "I enjoy being a girl."  She loved frilly dress made of lace, talking on the phone for hours with cream on her face, or a new hairstyle.

I thought I would ask you a few questions today.  
  • Do you enjoy being a woman?  Why or Why not?
  • What experiences and relationships have been most formative for your femininity?
  • What do you think of women as a whole?
God saw all that He had made and it was very good.  God saw that making woman was very good.   Agree with God and thank God for making you a woman.  

Thursday, January 6, 2011

What a Doll You Are!

A True Woman says, "Yes, Lord."
She believes that God's purposes for creating male and female are good and wise.
  • Genesis 1:26-28a "Then God said, "Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; and let them rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over the cattle and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth."  And God created man in His own image, in the image of God, He created him; male and female He created them.  And God blessed them;
Not only was man created in the image of God, but woman was created in His image also.  The word image is the same word used for idol in Scripture. We are not God, but we are little models or statues of God.  We have been created in His image.  Think about God's attributes.     Who He is and what has He created within us.
He is righteousness.      We have a conscience.
He is sovereign.       We have responsibility.
He is love.       We have a heart and personality to love.
He is omniscience.      We have a mind and ability to think.
He is eternal.      We are immortal.

God has created us to be His likeness, His model, His little statue on this earth.  

*When Alison was a child she played with Barbie dolls (please, don't judge :-).  She even had the dream house and lots of little accessories. She would dress them, pose them, tell them when to eat and sleep, redress them and play for hours.  You are God's Barbie.  You are His "action figure".  Just as Barbie represents Mattel.  You represent God.  You are God's doll created in His image.

*Disclaimer:  I know that this may not be the best example or analogy, but I think you get the picture.  Instead of Barbie, I guess I could have used Cabbage Patch or Troll.  I prefer to picture myself as Barbie!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

It's a Good Thing

A true woman says, "Yes, Lord."
She believes that God's purposes for creating male and female are good and wise.
  • Genesis 2:18  The Lord God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone.  I will make a helper suitable for him."
God knew what He was doing when He made woman.  He knew what He was doing when He made you a woman.  It was a good thing. 
Do you enjoy being a woman?  Why or why not?  
For the next few weeks, we will be looking at what God made when He made woman.  Whether you are married, single, divorced, old, or young, allow God to reveal His master plan for your life.  Say "Yes, Lord", to Him.  Ask Him to open your heart and mind to the plan He has for you as a woman.  As Martha Steward phrased "It's a good thing."  
Well, actually,  that was originally a God quote!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

True Woman Review

As we begin this new year, let's review the concepts that we have been obeying since we started:
  1. A true woman lives a God-centered life.  She lives for God's glory and pleasure.  She asks, "What will please You, Lord?"  She joins with creation in worshipping Him.  She turns her eyes upon Jesus in the midst of problems.  She lives a life of repentance, holiness and service.
  2. A true woman trust God.  She doesn't fear, because she knows that God can be trusted.  She leans on Him and depends on Him is all times.  She resisted the temptation to worry or manipulate, because she has relinquished control to Him.
Read these again aloud, take out the word "she" and replace it with your name. (i.e. Pam lives for God's glory and pleasure.)  Are these statements true about you? Have you truly committed your life to be a true woman of God?  Is that the desire of your heart and soul?  Spend some time talking to God in prayer.  Ask Him to guide you in this journey.  It is a prayer He wants to answer.

Tomorrow we will continue by saying "Yes, LORD."  Stay tuned.

p.s. if you are in the San Jose area, plan on attending the start of "5 Aspects of Woman" class- this Thursday 6:30-8:00 pm at EVC. 
p.s.s.  My eye is healing and I am in no pain.  Thanks for the prayers!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Blurred Vision

Happy 2011!
  My 2011 has not started out the way I intended.  I had big plans regarding my bible study, my blog, my quiet time, and my exercising.  Sunday, as I was getting ready to attend Worship Services, I scratched my cornea. The next few hours were not in Worship with people I love at Evergreen Valley Church, but waiting in a clinic with strangers hacking and coughing, while I was crying out to the LORD for the pain to stop.  The next 24 hours were spend with blurred vision, a patch over my right eye and on pain medication (Thank God! for the pain meds, not the patch).
  Today was another trip to the Ophthalmologist and the pharmacy.  The patch is gone, so I am able to see, read and write again.  I will have to see about the exercise in the morning.
  Often times a day may not be what I had planned or even wanted, but like Job, I will trust in God.
  • Job 23:10 "But He knows the way I take; when He has tried me, I shall come forth as gold."
  Trust God with your days, no matter what they may look like.   He sees the big picture and knows what He is doing.  After all,  our vision is blurry at best.

Father, as we begin this new year,  Help us to trust you more, love you deeper and follow you closer.  May our faith grow and flourish this year and may we see you clearly as you work on our behalf.  To you be the glory! Amen.