Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Hated Verses

A True Woman says, "Yes, Lord."
She considers it a privilege and a delight to serve Him as a woman and gratefully embraces His design and roles for her life.
  • Ephesians 5:22 "Wives, be subject to your own husbands, as to the Lord."
  • Colossians 3:18 "Wives, be subject to your husbands, as is fitting in the Lord."
Since the Fall of mankind and the curse given by God, these have been verses that women have hated!  We don't want a man to rule over us.  We don't want to "be subject" to someone else. However, we know that God is good and wise.  He would not say anything that is wrong.  There is a much big issue here.  Our pride.  I want to do life my way.  I want to rule my life.  I don't want to answer to anyone. I I I  see the problem?  prIde.  I am the very center of pride!
  Am I willing to submit myself to God and His ways?  How can I say "Yes, Lord" in other areas, if I haven't said "Yes" in this area?
  Once I see God and His ways as right, I will delight in God and His ways.  I can embrace His design, His plan, His role, and His purpose in my life.

Prayer:  Oh, God in Heaven, forgive me for my stubbornness.  How many times have I rebelled against your authority in my life?  I am truly sorry. Break my sinful and prideful heart in thinking that I know better than you.  You are my Father and my creator.  Please, help me trust you and do what you tell me to do.  In Jesus' name and by His grace, AMEN.


  1. For several years I taught the lesson on submission for our Apples of Gold program. I loved this thought.........the Greek word is hupotasso (sp) and means to arrange under, to subordinate,to subject, to submit to one's control,to yield to one's admonition or advice
    to obey. I really liked the "arrange under" one. I taught how it is like putting yourself under the umbrella of your husband's care and love. Thanks for teaching about this important subject.

  2. So true. There is so many wrong views of these verses. It really is for our good. Why don't we want what God knows is good for us?
    Sometimes it is hard to keep these short enough for people to read and yet long enough to give the correct teaching!
