A true woman says, "Yes, Lord".
She considers it a privilege and a delight to serve Him as a woman and gratefully embraces His design and roles for her life.
- Proverbs 14:1 "The wise woman builds her house, but the foolish tears it down with her own hands."
If I were to ask any of you, "Would you rather be wise or foolish?" I can, with full assurance, say that everyone would reply, "I want to be wise." It would be foolish to even say the other. However, more than I would like to admit, I have taken the foolish course in my life, in my marriage and with my family.
When I don't believe that God's way is right and go my own way, that is foolish (God is All Wise). Let me give you an example. I read the verse "wives, submit to your husbands", (yesterday's verse) and decide I don't want to do that, I want to do it my way. I am going against a wise God. God has put an order in the world for our good (God is All Good). It is as if we are placed under our husbands umbrella and are shielded and protected. However I step out from under that protective umbrella and go my own way. (Pam is foolish) Then I get mad that things are not going well and my life is hard. (Pam is not good) I am tearing down my own house. I am also taking a rock out of the very foundation of my own house, with my own hand. (Pam is not wise.)
What is in your hand? The umbrella or a rock? Are you building up or tearing down? The rain will come. Are you protected?
I feel like singing "The wise man built his house upon the Rock".
More tomorrow- I love you!
emailed to me:
ReplyDeleteYou are so amazing!! I so needed to hear exactly this!!
Thank you!!