A true woman says, "Yes, Lord".
The Word of God is her compass, motivating her to live intentionally and counter-culturally.
- Psalm 119:1 “How blessed are those whose way is blameless, who walk in the law of the Lord.”
As I sit down to my computer with my coffee at the dining room table, in the other room the television is on with the newscaster reporting the news. I can’t help but over hear the reports and interviews. Here are just 3:
A story of a young man who abandoned a piano on a sand bar in Florida. The reporter said “I heard your mother did not want you to come forward and take responsibility."
- The money made by a movie that just came out. The premise “A guy and a girl agree to have sex wherever they want, whenever they want, without all those pesky emotions getting in the way.” They are “friends with benefits.” (quotes from the movie review by Associated Press)
- A woman jailed for fraud. She tried to receive insurance money from the San Bruno fire, although she did not even live in that area or have any damages.
I am meditating on what it means to live counter-culturally and it seems as if every report is evident that I do. But it is always easy to compare yourself against the top news stories.
The comparison is to be against the Word of God. The Bible is to be our standard. We are to let it be our guide.
The questions for you are not “do you take responsibility for your own actions” or "are you sexually active" or “do you lie”?
Your question is “Do you obey the Word of God?”
If your answer is “Yes”, then I guarantee you are walking against the culture.
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